You May Feel Frazzled

Look at this picture with me, if you will. Imagine your hair is caught in the implement and the tractor is going top speed, taking turns wildly, tearing up your reality, the driver not caring that you are there. And this has been going on for more than a year.

At first you fought and screamed, trying to get the driver's attention. Now you have resigned yourself to your position and let your body go limp, going along with the ride...wondering how it will end.

If this imagery speaks to you, you are not alone.

One cannot make an omelette without breaking


Right now, the current reality is being completely broken to bring in the new. A new Earth, new avatars (bodies), new attitudes.

What seems tragic now will turn to bliss. What seems like loss now will turn into gratitude. What seems out of reach will become common place.

But in this moment, it is very difficult. Know that I see you and you matter.

I encourage you to create. I encourage you to sing and dance. To share and love. Laugh. Eat chocolate. No, really. Chocolate is encoded to help the body with the higher energies coming in. Please eat it when you feel rough. Michelle likes dark chocolate chips.

If you need help, contact Michelle, I work with her and I want to help you.

Freedom lies ahead.

Phillip, Prime Creator of Earth


Phillip: A Very Rich Life


The Matter of Time