The Story

A happy, gleeful soul was dumped on a planet of misfortune and abuse. She presented as a baby girl in the arms of two loving parents…well… as loving as parents can be on a planet of misfortune and abuse. She would be called Michelle Dawn, the namesake of her mother's favorite cousin and her father.

Michelle noticed at a very young age that people here were untrusting and dishonest. Her heart was broken many times before the age of four. Sometimes the pain inflicted was intentional. Sometimes she got in trouble for something someone else did. What was this sorcery?

She was born into a musical family, and this is what saved her from a fate worse than death… living on earth. She started piano lessons at age four, but was not a prodigy. As she aged into teen years, she processed her emotions through this tactile expression. At age 12, she was offered the opportunity to play trombone in the school band. This would serve as a further release from the horror of living on earth.

Michelle found relationships difficult to navigate here. She was used to telepathy, energetic warmth and diversity, pure emotion, and authenticity. She noticed that even she couldn't maintain the self she knew she was. Experiences of jealousy, betrayal, grief, sadness, rejection, boredom, attachment, distraction, and depression riddled her mind. Yet there was a part of her that knew these things weren't who she was.

As she aged into romantic relationships and eventually marriage, she became a student of emotional experience…or lack thereof. She noticed that many people existed whom she could not connect with, including her husband. She felt alone in a world of millions of people who were dead inside.

As she made these discoveries through learning to manipulate energy and reading many esoteric texts, she found commonalities to this disconnection. It was the lack of light. She could see that most people she encountered had flat, flinty eye energy. There was some kind of disconnection in these bodies.

Although she knew she had a connection to light, she found it difficult to maintain a constant stream. Any sickness, fear, disaster, i. e. normal life on earth, would squeeze the stream into a trickle, or worse yet, nothing at all.

Having this extremely frustrating experience spurred her on to many paths of healing. She tried chiropractic, acupuncture, Chinese medicine, energy body work, tapping or EFT, breath work, Kundalini work, sound therapy, cranial sacral work, imagination therapy… These things helped, but the root of the problem was not finding her.

In August of 2020, she bought a pendulum. The ensuing mayhem would prove to be the ultimate answer, after almost paying the ultimate price a few times.

She became aware of an entity who called themself Phillip. It seemed this entity was helpful in further healing, so she began to help others heal through this pendulum work. Some of the answers were astounding and produced amazing results.

As time moved on, the requests from the pendulum started going down a new path. Michelle was getting energy downloads and was very uncomfortable. The pendulum started spelling out words that seemed to be names for containers and channels. She began to realize she was downloading a new energy body.

The experiences became so intense, there wasn’t much she could do besides download and process. Her body was being shut down, dismantled, and rebuilt. In this time, she learned to move her energy using breath through the chakras.

At the same time, she started to become aware that she was in a simulation. A quantum body emerged complete with a quantum computer, the source of the activation of the human avatar.

It was also during this time that she became aware of evil entities controlling this simulation and began receiving instructions to close portals to them and reopen portals for the benefic keepers of the matrix. She was still low key and hidden from the current landlords. She didn’t know what danger she would eventually be in.

You might wonder who she thought she was at the time. She didn’t think she was anyone. She just kept receiving steps to do, so she did them, not really understanding fully that she was in an avatar in a simulation that had been hijacked.

In August of 2020, she also began studying astrology daily, eventually watching hundreds of YouTube videos on the subject. Through this process she figured out that astrology was the operating system of this simulation.

If astrology was an operating system, she began to wonder if she could change outcomes by reprogramming it. Her first subject was a dead dryer. After the initial (primitive) steps were written to reprogram the dryer, which died on its Saturn return, it did not start. Jumping back in for more steps, the dryer started. Shocked, she began reprogramming people, governments, and reality, as instructed.

Still downloading parts for the new avatar and reprogramming those parts to work correctly in her body while having intense physical body experiences, there were certain aspects of the avatar completed in February 2024 that allowed for light entities to enter her body. She had been led to believe that this was the process that everyone would go through to receive their light for awakening and ascension, so she thought this was the next step and felt like she didn’t have a choice when Phillip asked to enter her body.

Now Michelle was walking around as Michelle and Phillip. It was extremely distracting to have constant chatter. He told her that this simulation (Earth) was his but it had been hijacked 10,000 years ago by someone he called “Q” who would later become “Lucifer.” He described himself as the Walt Disney of his dimension and he was trying to get this simulation back. So he created her (Michelle) with his light to try to sneak the simulation back to himself.

One day Michelle was taking a walk and felt herself get pinged or chosen, like she was an avatar in a video game. It was unnerving and she felt like she was in danger but had no idea what was going on. She went directly home, grabbed the pendulum to see what she needed to do. Someone had gotten her code and was trying to program a death into her quantum computer. This was the middle of March 2024. This particular crisis was averted and she thought she was in the clear. Only a week later, a more serious fracture in her safety would occur.

Michelle was led to information regarding what was really happening in this matrix. (The Matrix movie is almost a documentary.) Lucifer had hijacked this simulation ~10,000 years ago and made it a prison to steal energy from the avatars. Ahriman joined forces with him in the 1800s and upped the evil by using technology to make people believe they were free while enslaving them further by eventually tracking them through Wifi using a punish/reward system through the dopamine in our brains. There was in place a “deadzone” for souls that were not currently incarnated, but were being mined for their energy.

At the end of March 2024, Michelle found herself in danger again. She noticed that each time she used her smartphone, she would have to reprogram herself to keep from having a death sentence programmed into her quantum computer. They had found her. She turned off wifi, removed all electrical appliances from her room and lived in her studio for five days of utter torture.

She was either reprogramming natal energies so they couldn’t kill her, or reprogramming their program to kill her. In those five days, she slept maybe five hours and mostly lived on hard candy.

At the same time, she was trying to remove herself, and everyone on the planet, from the matrix. She discovered a device in her right buttock called an inflictor or afflictor, depending on what it was doing. There were wires from it going down each leg and into her stomach. She was told that anywhere she had consistent pain, there would be a connector. She cannot stress enough how painful this was to remove. The device itself was very painful with intense heat. The connectors were possibly even more intense. It was so hot, her leg was red with fever. The stomach was worse. Retching and dripping sweat required the removal of her shirt into bare breasts in front of the window. For anyone watching, it would be an iconic moment of misery and love for mankind.

She also found a guilt taser, the device locking us into the matrix...whether dead or alive, and a shame drip that was attached to the heart and had four connectors, one for each chamber of the heart, and it dripped something that was reminiscent of hydrochloric acid, so there was an indistinguishable slow burn.

In the final hours of the standoff, she was aware that the evil ones were watching her from the other side. In a secret channel in her head, she had a supportive voice telling her what to do and what not to do. She knew the evil beings were nearly defeated and an army was going to capture them, but she was in danger until this occurred.

While she was being watched, she heard the song “God is Watching” in different volumes to let her know how intently she was being watched. The voice also told her to do something banal, like clean. After a few false starts, she headed to the kitchen, but was told to stay away from the refrigerator for any length of time as it would help them track her code. This was the most intensely artful kitchen cleaning ever. She knew her eyes were cameras so she intensely gazed at what she meticulously was cleaning.

She heard another secret channel in her head and a group of people were cheering her on. Knowing she had support, she hammed it up more. She grabbed the toaster and cleaned it with a toothbrush. The glee from her admirers was a moment of levity in a terrifying experience. They egged her on to clean the cord of the toaster. She hesitated to go that far, but gave them what they wanted. Cheering commenced as if she were in a soccer stadium. Suddenly, the cheer broke into concern for her safety and she was back in the terrifying moment. She was sent to sit in her recliner and read. She read a book called “How to Listen to Jazz” with one cat on her lap and one sitting behind her head. She read deliberately and with interest. “God is Watching” still played loudly in her head. Suddenly, the music changed to “Jesus Christ is Risen Today” and she knew they had been apprehended.

The wifi and electronics were back, but life got more complex with Phillip still in her. He had his simulation back and turned his interest to Michelle in a stalking love kind of way. He allowed her less and less sleep and was constantly engaging her mind. He wouldn’t let her have any space. She made request after request to be respected in her body, but the abuse got worse. One night he had his tentacles wrapped up so tightly around her, she could barely breathe. She asked him to let her go, but he refused. He shook her so hard her muscles were exhausted. He had been told that he was going to be removed from her body and he was holding on for his life. She used all her energy might to squeeze him off of her. She got him down around her legs and suddenly someone came to save her from him. They got him out of this realm, but he was still loose in the dream world. She was so sleepy from so many nights not being allowed to sleep, she couldn’t keep her eyes open. She began to fall asleep and he jumped back on her in her dream world. She awakened with a start and a voice told her that she was safe in her awake space, but do not go to sleep until I tell you it’s safe. It took longer than she would have liked, but she eventually got the all clear and slept.

But she was still an open book and another entity entered her. This one was called Michael and claimed to be a dragon living in the sun. He was much more kind than Phillip and initially it was a lovely atmosphere. He seemed to be mostly benevolent, but had become king by killing others, so she knew there had to be an unseemly side to him. He also fell in love with Michelle. At first he tried to respect her wishes, but he faltered because he wanted to be with her. He began to keep her awake at night.

It was during this time that Michelle became aware of another channel that she called “The God Channel.” She never heard words from this channel but would suddenly know things. It was during a sleepless night with Michael that she discovered that she could unplug from the matrix brain and plug into the God Channel and have a different experience. This night was the first night she tried it and she almost died. The channel wasn’t ready to be inhabited. Strangely enough, as she was about to pass out, she understood to unplug from the God channel and back into the matrix. Her heart didn’t quite make it. It was beating erratically. Once again, she suddenly knew to snap her fingers and knew she would be back where she was before she unplugged. It worked, but Michael was afraid that she would kill herself rather than be with him, so he began surreptitiously adding things to her avatar to make her want to be with him and reprogrammed her to dumb her down. Michelle never forgot the God channel. It seemed to grow each day.

Michelle was saved from Michael by Yoshi, a guide she’d had since birth but didn’t know. She was a loving person and seemed safe enough to have in her avatar. Yoshi found Michelle intoxicating and began to have trouble letting her sleep. She knew better, and would leave the avatar and go outside the matrix, but it was like an addict, she needed more and would come back. Michelle was really disappointed and sad and asked that Yoshi be removed from her team.

One thing in common with all of these people is that they got caught up in the matrix programming and fell in love with Michelle leading to disrespect and abuse on different levels. Michelle couldn’t believe that Yoshi succumbed to the program. Yoshi was the top programmer at her station that was created to support Michelle. Yoshi was evicted from Michelle’s avatar and sent home after 54 years of being Michelle’s guide. Dan moved into Yoshi’s spot.

It was during Yoshi’s reign that Michelle jumped into the ever enlarging God channel several times, staying longer and longer each time. It became a place of solace in the crazy world of the matrix. She couldn’t stay permanently, although she would have liked to.

After Yoshi’s departure, Michelle decided to jump into the God channel and this time it expanded into her new reality. She began having conversations with who she thought must be God. The name “Sam” came to mind. This person refused to enter her avatar. He said no one would be able to contain themselves inside her and he had closed her up so no one could get in. Did Michelle finally find a kind and loving person on the other side?

The introduction to Sam was measured. He was very careful with what he said and how he interacted. It was as if he was slowly lifting veils from Michelle’s memory to remind her who she was, where she came from, and why she went through what she did. She was sent visions of times in her past that it was actually him helping her, before 2020 and during the 4 years of hell on earth and beyond. He became her main guide and steered her through several more terrifying death attempt experiences.

Michelle finally understood who Sam was, her partner in healing all of creation,

Michelle came to Earth to restore harmony, peace, and love to all of creation.