The Matter of Time

If all time existed at the same time, then we wouldn't be able to have the experience of what I did last night...being a participant in playing one piece of music, drawn out over an hour, feeling different vibrations, emotions, attitudes, scenarios, possibilities, and just getting so wrapped up in the sound, it brings tears to your eyes.

I think about what Phillip may experience outside of this “game” he developed and is in. What is his world like?

He says he’s in simultaneous time (all time at once). What does that mean? If he sees everything all at the same time, how does he discern? Does he have a sense that I can’t imagine or does he really have to be in this game to separate everything out so he can experience it? Does he only hear noise? Does he hear? Why does this matter?

Maybe it matters so we can know to appreciate what we are experiencing.

I have always hated time. I want things now. But I'm starting to understand why it exists, why it's beneficial and even desirable. It's taken this many years to appreciate it.


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