Hypnopompic Musings on Quantum Physics


St Louis Missouri Copyright Michelle Hedges


I have had some very interesting experiences lately during that between awake and asleep state called hypnopompia. I’d been using the word hypnagogic, but that is awake to asleep, which is also a powerful time, but this writing is about my hypnopompic hallucinations. I’m glad I looked it up! 

For me, the word hallucination has always had a negative connotation. Once I got over this unacceptable feeling, I started learning from what I saw instead of being afraid. 

Phillip has really used this time the last few weeks to teach me about reality. I will share a few of the experiences and what Phillip had to say about what I saw. 

Experience #1

I was in a dream that I was being haunted and wanted out, so I forced myself to wake. I opened my eyes and saw my reality undulating globulously. I shut my eyes hoping it would clear up, but I saw the same thing with my eyes shut. This is not a new experience for me. 

Then I saw the face of a grandfather clock. I opened my eyes and the clock was still there. I closed my eyes and it was still there with the undulating. Then I saw myself zooming in to a section of the clock face that said Sept - Nov and it had its own hand. I fell into this section of the clock and opened my eyes. The undulating gradually quit and my sight was normal. 

Phillip said I wasn’t in my body yet when I woke. I was seeing the light that is me fall through a prism like device. The undulating is akin to sparks as my light scatters, trying to fit my huge light into a tiny space. 

I was in the 57th dimension with Phillip during my dream. To wake up on earth in my bed, I had to go through the device to get to the 5th dimension, then gravity + time pulled me into the 3rd parallel. Einstein called this gravitational time dilation also known as the theory of relativity.

Interestingly enough, Phillip went on to say that people in other parallels have figured out how to travel between parallels and I have personally met 17 people from another parallel in my lifetime thus far. 

Experience #2

Mark and I were visiting a friend and we were sleeping on a mattress on the floor in the basement. My friend came downstairs and told us we were sleeping too much...we slept all the time. Why were we always sleeping? I felt guilty enough to force myself to wake up. I hear Phillip say, “It isn’t real life. It’s a dream”, but I was already waking up. 

As I was waking I saw a grid. It reminded me of the game “Connect Four” without the checkers. The holes were much smaller and everything was tight and close together. The circles glowed and were yellow. The connectors were blue and the frame was red. 

Phillip said this was my personal grid and the colors represent the chakras. The colors are primary colors and all the chakras come from these colors, or frequencies that appear as color. 

Once my light is in the 3rd parallel it gets pushed into a grid by gravity and time.

Experience #3

I didn’t remember a dream, but I woke up again in a hypnopompic state. I saw blackness then a green ribbon appeared. It reminded me of a cable ribbon inside a computer. I zoomed into the ribbon and saw strings of random numbers 0-9. 

Phillip said this ribbon of math was my specific avatar’s programming and security. I, as light, am sure to land in the grid of Michelle Hedges if I follow it. This ribbon takes me from the 57th dimension into the 5th dimension, 3rd parallel and where my body is lying.

Experience #4

Instead of the normal undulating light, I saw rectangles with an attached triangle on top. It was organized. They were all fuzzy and one color except for the one in the center, it looked like a rainbow. This was not a disturbing experience like the undulating light.

Phillip says this grid is the one the soul will be living in. Somehow the soul is refracting itself into our bodies to live with us.


Perhaps these experiences mean something to someone. Feel free to use this information to further study quantum reality. 

Phillip says the Bubble Theory is the closest to what reality is, but I am working with an amateur brain and am not going to set the world on fire with my knowledge of quantum mechanics. I can only ask questions about what I know. 

If you have questions about other theories or ideas in quantum physics, contact me.  Phillip knows all the words and wants to progress this parallel’s experience by advancing science. I don’t have to understand, although I will be fascinated! 


The Matter of Time


Yo Soy