Yo Soy

Me with Fry and Laurie.

Me with Fry and Laurie.

The other night I had a dream and I was saying Yo soy. Interesting that it presented in Spanish rather than English so a thought gestalt wasn’t triggered. Then I had a dream that I was in a clothing store that didn't have any clothes but there was a vintage mirror on a stand.

If what I'm getting from the dreams is correct, maybe I have finally rid myself of beliefs (clothes) and all neural networks around those beliefs and I am simply means I'm not connected to anything. What you see is authentic me.

Jesus said I am and we have made it into a great statement of mastery with an almost conceited, worship me feel to it.

Jesus' message was I am and you can be too. He wasn't looking for adulation, he was teaching us how to get out of the hell that we're in.

So here we are, many years later, still in hell, possibly deeper hell, also known as density, and we are being shown a way out. And not just shown, given amazing tools to get out. This is the work Jesus started and it will be finished.


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