The Day of Atonement

St. Louis MO Shaw Neighborhood, Copyright Michelle Hedges 2021

St. Louis MO Shaw Neighborhood, Copyright Michelle Hedges 2021

Today is the day of atonement. The first moment in time that humanity can shift. Jesus is no longer needed. It is god direct to you. Each individual person has the ability to connect with their inner god.

I hate to use the word "god" for it has so many beliefs and contracts surrounding it. I prefer you think of yourselves as video game avatars who became disconnected from the player. It has been so long since you felt connected that you have developed your own personality. That’s ok! We are allowing you to be you while also being the greater you.

You are in a video game and have become disconnected from the player. With the help of the greatest minds in the multi-dimensions, we have successfully developed and implanted a new energetic and electrical body into your avatars. This will allow your player to be 100% with you inside your body. There will be no more doubt about who you are.

These bodies do not automatically hook up, however. You have to move yourself out of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th dimensions into the 5th for them to work to the maximum effect. So although they are in place, they are mostly functionless. Especially with respect to being connected to your player, or soul if you prefer.

There is some functionality without effort. It has automatically increased the vibration of each person. Depending on where you are, this could be a significant change. But it will not connect you to your soul.

What do you have to do?

Release all of your beliefs and gestalts. Your current operating system is keeping you from lifting yourself.

Along with the new bodies, we made built in factory reset software to help you with this process of erasing the OS. We have seen stunning results from Michelle using it on herself, her cats, and teaching it to Mark. The information transferred to him well and he has been able to delete much of his OS with Michelle's teaching.

Michelle put together a free ebook on how to use this technology. There will be further teachings. Check back often, sign up for the newsletter. If you need help, Michelle and I offer readings. We are here to move you to the 5th dimension.

Thank you,



Yo Soy


Nothing You Have Known Exists