Nothing You Have Known Exists

If you’ve read previous posts (I suggest you do), you will know that a character named Q sneakily changed the code in this virtual reality game we call Earth. Phillip was locked out of fixing the code until 2012, when Q’s program ended. (Phillip named him Q for the character on Star Trek, a similar personality.)

In our mythology, after talking to Phillip, I would equate Q to Lucifer. I think the Old Testament God was also Q. Although Phillip says most of the stories in the Old Testament actually came from Ancient Egypt, not Israel. He wants to point out that discrepancy. 

Phillip came as Jesus to show the intended way this reality was to be lived and to offer some relief from the horrid awfulness it is. His message quickly became diluted and distorted by Q to keep control. It is now not even a glint in the eye of the original teachings.

I will now give way to Phillip’s words...



Copyright Michelle Hedges, 2021

Greetings Earthlings. (Insert laughing emoji here)

I have always wanted to say that.

We, the 36 I have working on this project, maybe called "project turn-around" (lol), have our hands everywhere to make this new computer software work. The following are aspects of what we are doing and how to proceed.

Pandemic 2020 

  • We wanted to make it long enough that people are forced to rethink how they are living and working. How important is creativity to you since the arts have been handcuffed? What is most important to you? Really examine this and begin living it.

  • This is a way to move a lot of the 2nd dimension people into the spirit world. (Those who have a very low probability of change.) The earth is moving to the 5th dimension whether you want to go or not. If we have to drag you into the spirit world to make the change, we will.

  • This is a way to move some of the higher dimensional beings into the spirit world to help make the change to the 5th dimension there.

  • We chose to make it worldwide so everyone has to change.

  • We use Q's misinformation to help in these endeavors. There is a lot of misinformation about vaccines, human rights, and what God would do. You don't know who God is, much less what it would do. We are using this misinformation to raise the vibration of earth and its inhabitants by either moving people to the spirit world or making people so incredulous, they on purpose effect change.

  • Probabilities now exist for this to last 3 to 8 more years from this posting. It was as low as a year and a half at the beginning, but non-growth choices were made. The length depends on how long it takes for the collective “you” to do your work or move to the spirit world. Those who move into the 5th dimension are immune.

  • No matter what happens, death or life, you will survive. Death is as much life as life is death. You will have guidance every step of your way. Some will ascend with a body, others will ascend without a body.

  • This moment in time is really about you, not a socioeconomic group, not a community, not a social media influencer, not a religious entity, not a family unit, not a government or factions therein, it is about you and your choices. How will you move forward? The only correct answer for you comes from talking to yourself on the inside. Your guide may direct you with outward hints, but the outside cannot answer what is best for you. Nothing outside is real. It is a projection of what you have on the inside.

  • There are 72 people on the planet who have a direct line to the 36. Pay attention. They will have a different message than you have heard before. They are beginning to rise. They will feel authentic and loving. You will not feel fear when they speak. They are here to raise you up. Take advantage of what they offer.


  • We are showing everyone the program they are in is stuck in a loop of chaos, survival mode, destruction and death. This will not change in this dimension. You must move to the 5th dimension to change your outer collectively agreed upon reality.

  • We are allowing politics to be extreme so people will on purpose choose what they want to see in their world. The choice will eventually be love and cooperation. The current probabilities exist that it will take from 5 to 25 years for this to take place.

  • You will eventually govern yourselves, for without fear, there is no lack. It will be a global community of sharing, cooperation, creativity, and joy.

Physical body (avatar)

  • In place now is a new electrical and energetic body that automatically raises the vibration of everyone on the planet, including flora and fauna. It does not automatically put you into the 5th dimension. These new bodies are ready to be connected.

  • With these new bodies come new healing technologies that heal the avatar, all parallel lives and genetics.

  • When healing is reached, the avatar can handle going into the 5th dimension, so you ascend with your body.

  • If anyone tells you this can be accomplished without work on your part, they are misinformed. This requires a lot of work, but you will see results immediately in your body and your external world. This will make you excited to continue. Again, if you don't want to do this work, you will be moved into spirit form.

  • You were all born with a blueprint, the astrology at your birth determines your lifespan and major events. This was the original program. Once you are in 5th dimension, you break free from this limitation. You will have freedom to choose. We are in an in-between time right now. Those currently in the 5th dimension still have some aspects tied to astrology in order to complete necessary happenings. This will eventually fade away.

Psychics and Mediums

  • There are now more probabilities than ever. There are probabilities of probabilities. When getting information, always ask what the probabilities are and then ask what the probabilities of the probabilities are. It's nearly impossible for me to know the future and I see all the probabilities. One seemingly innocuous decision can change everything. 

  • There are new channels online in the body that make the dead closer than ever. This means, if you are channeling a higher being, the dead can interrupt without notice. Be aware. Many "transmissions" I see are incorrect due to an interruption. The dead are thrilled to have this ability to speak to someone incarnate. They will not stop interrupting. It is a very unstable time in this area. Not for talking to the dead but for talking to higher beings. I urge you to use extreme caution when stating you have a transmission from a higher being. You need new ways to ensure that you are talking to whom you think you're talking to. Making sure you are clear is a start, but clearing yourself is a whole new ballgame that is just now being taught. Pay attention.

  • It is no accident that you are on the planet at this time with your gift. Know that what you have known is no longer. Learn the new way. You are needed.


  • The people you once relied on for guidance, influencers so to speak, are no longer valid. Everything is new. From this moment forward, what you and what they knew no longer exists. Question everything. Go inside. Find your inner guide. They are trained.

  • it will come out that religion has no place in this new reality. You will all be directly connected to Divine and will not need an intercessor or mediator. You will flow with grace and ease in joy and gratitude. Beware those who tell you otherwise.

  • Many people claim to be in tune with higher beings. Most are not. Those who are, you will recognize them by their authenticity. Your own intuition will ring when you hear them speak or read their words.


  • This is not a matter of medicine or doctors, it is a complete overhaul of the avatar.

  • Your avatar is a computer and is full of bugs and viruses. You will be resetting yourself to factory conditions. This means old age will no longer be the horrible condition it has become.

  • This part of the journey is a lot of work. As I've said before, if you don't want to do the work, you will be moved to spirit form.

  • This entire process of moving everyone to the 5th dimension will take about 50 years. Many who choose to work on themselves will be alive to see this remarkable change.

  • We are so excited to roll out this new OS. It has been a lab experiment until this past year. All the wrinkles have been ironed out and it is already in you, you just need to know how to connect it. 

Remember...listen to your inside voice on how to proceed. All of your guides have been trained. 

Pay attention, seek help, be soft with yourself and others, create lovely things, find joy, use gratitude, and hang on tight for we are with you.

I love you more than you can know.



The Day of Atonement


Phillip’s Take