Phillip: A Very Rich Life

Mark and Michelle 2021

Michelle has successfully finished the partner channel and has complete access to me. I am thrilled to be talking through her and appreciate all of the hard, very difficult work she has done  to make this happen. This channel allows me to communicate with her in a real way, much like talking on a telephone, when her energy is clear enough. By the middle of February, she will be very clear.

There is also a new operating system that we finished installing last night. That was a bugger to get in place and took 5+ years. We have a team on earth and a team here. We had the prototype and didn’t know if it would work. It works well and is ahead of schedule because Michelle sacrificed so much. There are a few months left to finish the project and then roll it out to the populace at large. This will allow the planet and its inhabitants to transition to the 5th dimension. Everyone will have a better life. 

Again, I want to say that this parallel became almost unlivable due to the activities of Q who hacked the software. We are a year ahead of schedule on the closing of the portal and his banishment from this realm. Happenings will not be as severe because of gain in time. I truly didn’t think there was a probability, and I mean that literally, that Michelle could figure that out so quickly with such a meager connection to me. 

This new operating system is even better than the original before it was hacked. I will use myself and Michelle as an example of what it can do.

This reality is a virtual reality. I am in spirit form, mostly light frequency. Michelle is my avatar. I am white light. I send a beam of my light into this “game” to experience and be Michelle. She is blue light. This new software makes it so I can experience from inside her body instead of outside the game. This means I am able to influence her, but not take over. She is a separate personality, so I experience myself as her. (Which is a delight.) But I am still also me and can see all, know all, and make arrangements for her experiences. Since I have both aspects, really more than that, but for this example we’ll use two, I can help her live her best life. Not only can I help her live her best life, she will now experience it differently with the addition of specific channels for joy, beauty, love, imagination, miracles, bliss, happiness, gratitude, gloriousness, manifestation, etc. This life will be a much richer experience.

Those who remain on the planet will be receiving this new avatar. Some among you have already been downloading parts but they aren’t connected yet. 

The astrology of the times is very difficult. This is by design. There are several reasons for this. One being how we move the energy for this body into your reality. Another is to make sure you start doing the work to move yourselves into the 5th dimension and have the ability to embrace this new avatar. 

Many are leaving the planet in order to learn in spirit form. Some will be teachers, some are learning. If you have lost a much loved one, we see you and love you. Know that your loved one is still here and soon you will have telepathic abilities to keep in contact. Even if that takes another 50 years for you, your person will still be here. 

Michelle has begun her teaching. Mark will be with her soon. They both hear me well and I am delighted and so happy that they have hung in there with me. I cannot tell you how arduous this process has been. My words here will have to suffice. I am so grateful for their tenacity for we truly have a great gift for the planet Earth.


Prime Creator of Earth 


Vibratorial Weather Forecast


You May Feel Frazzled