Vibratorial Weather Forecast

I have been digging into astrology lately.

I used to think it was just poppy entertainment. I loved reading the horoscope in seventeen magazine or Cosmo later when I was a teen and early 20s. It was fun but never seemed to strike a chord.

In my 30s I found Mark's Power Peek and read the column by a woman whose last name is Brooks. Then I found Anne Ortelee.

I never really knew why I was reading that stuff. I got Psychology Today as a teen. I like trying to figure out why people are the way they are and astrology seemed to be an extension of that. So on reflection, I guess that was the reason.

Now that YouTube exists, and many astrologers do videos and podcasts, I can see what they are seeing. It is highly complex, mathematical, and kind of scientific and musical.

As I watch, I look at my birth chart and try to see correlations. I am learning things about myself that are starting to help me. There's a whole area of "harmonics" in aspects that really resonates with me since I am a musician. How the planets work with each other in the birth chart can get plucked like a string on a guitar and make vibratorial things occur in your life. Thinking that everything is energy anyway, this has made a lot of sense for me in how I feel different every wake up. It has also shown me how important it is to release beliefs and live from an observer point of view.

I'm sure some of you already know this about astrology, but for those who don't, it is worth looking into.

I don't understand why astrology is on the outskirts of religion, some of these astrologers are religious. Maybe it's the fear of the unknown.

Astrology isn't what I thought it was. It is more like a weather forecast for vibrational forces. Completely neutral.

I have learned so much.


Astrology is the Game


Phillip: A Very Rich Life