Why Astrology Works

This blog is not in its final form as I am still getting information.

Astrology is a loaded word. It is devil worship, witchcraft, unscientific, useless, a religion, superstition, and a waste of time. 

In actuality, Astrology is a way of seeing the energy the computer (the Sun) is pushing out. It gives us hints as to what is coming next and allows us to plan ahead for the next chapter. 

For thousands of years people have noticed a correlation between where planets are and what kind of energies are emerging. The significations that have developed over those years are relevant. 

How is this so?

Bodies in space represent programs that the Sun computer is running. The sun releases protons with electromagnetic and quantum information. We - everything in reality- have receptors, in the form of DNA, for this information. 

In the womb, the embryo is living in the mother's field. Once born, the baby has pieces of every ancestor in their field plus the energies they are born into. This can also include portions of other incarnations. 

The computer program for reality works at the most basic level on the idea of fractals. A grouping of quantum energies comes together to form a pattern that is then repeated.

"A fractal is a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole."  -Benoît Mandelbrot 

The Fractal Foundation says “A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop."

The avatar is constructed using a fractal that forms a field which begins at the core of the structure.  

The fields are in this order from inside out:

  1. Quantum - The Motherboard

  2. Light - Where the Person Resides

  3. Electricity - The Enlivening Agent 

Water fills the container created by these fields and becomes what we are familiar with, whether that be a human avatar or a tree avatar.

In human avatars, the sun triggers the pineal gland with electromagnetic radiation information. The pineal gland informs the receptors that are programmed with the fractal. The fractal informs the electrical field. This can affect an individual as well as the collective. This is what causes Complexity Theory.

Think of a murmuration of starlings. They are all individuals but join together as a group to form amazing shapes as they fly together. This is a startling and mesmerizing example of the  electromagnetic radiation information coming from the giant computer in the sky that causes the birds to act as one. It first hits the pineal gland -an antenna- and the gland disperses the information throughout the field. Some of us call it collective consciousness, some call it Emergence.

All this time, which hasn't been all THAT long, I thought I was reprogramming astrology, when I was actually reprogramming and repairing “smartphones,” “apps,” and the central sun programming. 

I'm not sure what my code will look like soon, but I know all the fixed stars I was working with are actually computer viruses, malware, bugs, and bad code. 

I will still use astrology as the conduit, but with the knowing that it is computer based, not sky based. 


10,000 Years Ago…


The Collective Move to 5D Today!