10,000 Years Ago…

Many years ago, this simulation was a joyful, place for light entities to have a different experience. Incarnation was a novelty. Having senses was a pleasure. Limiting consciousness to have a singular experience in a moment was desirable.

~10,000 years ago, one of the original programmers of this simulation surreptitiously changed the code while people were in the simulation. It was turned into a cesspool of suffering and those entities were stuck in a wheel of karma. Coping mechanisms became the way to be alive with the least amount of pain possible.

The entity known as Q was the old testament god. But "he" did not limit himself to all the religions in the world, he infiltrated the metaphysical realm as well.

There is much misinformation circulating. Q was the most channeled being and left a few nuggets, but most of it was "fake news". In fact, he was feeding Qanon.

Earth is not a school and never has been. Angels and guides are you on the other side helping you.

The best news is that Q is no longer in this simulation. Karma has been abolished. The dead zone recycling center has been broken up. Everyone is going straight back to the light self.

Although the world still looks bleak, we are not subject to Q's menace. But there is still Q programming, particularly in avatars, governments, and corporations.

We are in a new hologram, however, and it does not support the old programming on the same level as the old one did.

What can you do? Embrace your new avatar. Ask your intuition what you need to do to assemble it and change your quantum self.

Ultimately, being reprogrammed will give the best experience.

No more suffering.


Why are We Suffering?


Why Astrology Works