Why are We Suffering?

There isn't a person on the planet who doesn't have grief and burnout. You have been suffering since birth. The last 3 years have provided extra reasons for burnout.

1. The Pandemic was part of the program structure of Q's reality. He was still in the matrix. Phillip knew he could use it to get moving on the new avatar. He knew that people would have to spend time alone and this would be conducive to breaking belief structures.

2. In 2021, Q was kicked out of the hologram. Avatar build commenced fiercely. We have been exhausted from energy downloads, bodies being demolished and rebuilt....fatigue at the shutdown level.

3. This exhaustion and sensitivity has led us to be cutthroat in who we have in relationship. I unfriended about 100 people at some point in 2022. My energy was so vulnerable, I couldn't handle anything. Please watch what you expose yourself to. If you must follow world events, find someone to follow who isn't emotionally charged. After all, in the last three years how many bullshirt things have happened that you couldn't do anything about, yet you survived. You really don't HAVE to know. If you need to know, your intuition will tell you.

4. Some of you have been stuck in the recycle loop for 10,000 years. You SHOULD be exhausted. Acknowledge this on a soul level. Allow the light that is you to sit in the knowing that this is the last time.

5. We have lost so many loved ones, whether it be to death or breakup, whether it be this-just-isn't-working-for-me-anymore, or I-have-to-start-life-in-a-different-place. Upheaval is not a strong enough word.

6. A reminder that on top of all of this is the computer sun spitting out new energies on the daily that have been extremely intense since 2020. (Please follow astrology so you know what to expect next. I have a list of astrologers on my website under resources. It is not exhaustive.)

7. Acknowledge that you are exhausted, lost, worn out, sad, depressed, angry, pissed off, and over it all. You do not have to feign love or happiness to have a better experience. Those are coping mechanisms and they are exhausting. Be how you feel. You won't get to heaven faster by faking it.




10,000 Years Ago…