The Collective Move to 5D Today!

Welcome to my street. (See photos)

I woke up Thursday morning to chainsaws. All of my trees were gone, without warning, and my heart was broken into a million pieces. These trees were my companions at the height of the COVID lockdown.

In a desperate attempt to get out of the vibration of shock and horror, sadness and grief, anger and hate, I hotly pursued Phillip's help.

The first suggestion was to imagine each tree and breathe the image from chakra 1 to 12. This created quite a bit of lightening from the dense feelings.

But now I had the knowledge that MORE trees were GOING to be cut down and that anticipation was killing me.

I tried the same technique on trees that weren't gone yet, but I was still getting tree thoughts that punctuated my normal thinking process.

In my sleep last night, if I woke just a little, the trees entered my thoughts. I did not make myself think this. Where was this coming from??

Phillip intervened by showing me an impenetrable sheath to put on.

When I woke, the sheath put me in a better place emotionally, but tree thoughts were still piercing it. I was perplexed. I was not actively thinking this. WTF.

”Collective consciousness” entered my mind from one of the Phillip channels.

Is collective consciousness a radio signal and trees are part of that consciousness?? Can I clear collective consciousness?

Wait! Am I supposed to move CC to the 5th dimension?? Yes! But how?

There were a few energy steps (breathing through chakras), but there was another step and I was stumped. Then the tree transmutation imagery came to mind.

With the intent of moving collective consciousness to the 5th dimension, I breathed from chakra one to got stuck at 11. It took a while to get to 12, and then once I hit there, I had to take it higher.

When I opened my eyes...

WOW! It was a sudden new experience of perception! I felt like I’d popped into another reality! Like everything I’ve been actively working on since 2020 zapped together all at once.

This all happened between 730am and 930 am Feb 5, 2023. Although, I think I was with Phillip overnight working from that side and kept sending hints to myself waking me up just enough to remember. So when I officially woke, it would be a series of thoughts that led me to the conclusion of moving us all to 5D.

As the day progressed, I noted a lack of penetrating, random thoughts. I was having a clean, pure, undiluted experience of myself.

I hear chainsaws nearby, on a Sunday, with the full moon in Leo, squaring Uranus. I’ve gone from wearing earplugs to keep from hearing the trees cracking, to no earplugs and being able to focus on writing this blog!

I now see that the 3D collective radio frequency of fear and everything else negative that I was thinking, was not my creation. I’m experiencing none of that now.

It's been an emotionally painful week and I hope it culminates in all of us feeling better on the inside. I already feel the joy!


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