We are Biobots and Astrology is the Operating System.

Reprogramming birth charts. How did I even arrive at this possibility?



It helps to have THE great teacher in my head. But most messages are implicit since explicit isn’t possible in the realm of imagination and possibility. So I have to read in between a lot of lines. 

I also understand that the script for my project is already written in full. Somehow I access it as my day progresses. Like writing this post. I have no idea what I’m writing, it just sort of grabs me in the moment I punch the keys. 

Sometimes I know I’m doing something because of dreams that I have. 

  1. 🪐 I was undoing the bad side of Saturn. There was a lot of structure and sameness that I tore apart with my hands.

  2. ☄️ I was working on a very powerful Pluto. More powerful than anything I’ve witnessed on the planet. It seemed like a source of power billions of times stronger than nuclear power. 

Mostly, one idea rolls into another that rolls into another. 

I lifted the vibration of the zodiac and planets by doing energy steps. That rolled into lifting the energy of aspects, the cross of matter, some asteroids, decans, etc. 

Then a time came where I wondered if I could help Mark and myself through uplifting our charts.

It started with taking addiction out of Mark’s chart. He has Neptune in the rays of the sun. It worked, but I was still using energy, not code. 

Code began when Phillip started showing me a planet in a sign and how it related to another sign or planet. I was still doing energy steps for it. I hadn’t yet figured out I was starting to learn code. 

One of my favorite astrologers mentioned that a particular person had a cult leader signature. (Very often Phillip uses other people to get his point across to me.) 

I asked Phillip to show me the cult signature. Then I wondered about other world leaders and the really brazen ones had similar setups. This setup was Q’s way of ensuring he would have instability on the planet. 

I worked on several world leaders in this manner. 

  • BTW, no one has one particular person’s birth information correct. Phillip gave it to me. Message me if you want it. 

  • Also Phillip has me using June 7, 1776 at 2 pm, Baltimore, MD for the beginning of the U. S. A.

This was getting towards the election in the U.S. so I started working on politicians. I was getting more detailed information on how to destabilize the chart or bolster the chart. 

  • ❇️ Yes, I began to wonder about the integrity of what I was doing. Was I doing VOODOO? But Phillip is the creator of the program and he’s giving me the information so this must be what he wants to have happen. So I continued.

  • ♨️I am why there was no red wave.

  • 🔔 Most of the population is getting the new avatar and consciousness is already rising. Red, in its current form, will no longer exist very soon. 

It was 11/2/22 that I started receiving code. It was a lot to write. The subject was money and the chart was mine. See Picture

The first code I received.

It wasn’t until 11/3/22 that I would understand the importance of fixed stars in the programming of a birth chart. 

  • Fixed stars are used to block the flow in a biobot’s life. 

  • The planets and such have been raised in vibration, but the fixed stars are programmed specifically to the individual. I cannot fix fixed stars for a mass of people in one clump.

  • Fixed stars can only be deprogrammed or reprogrammed one person at a time. 

I began reprogramming reality on 11/5/22. I can see the evolution of the code I currently use from this point in my notes. It’s a lot of information and I can only hand write it, so I’ve come up with a shorthand. I thought about drawing pictures, but it was faster to abbreviate. 

The beginning of reprogramming reality.

✅ I have continued to work on the U.S. daily.

On 11/27/22 I awoke to the wondering…will this work on inanimate objects? (No doubt a message I embedded in myself while I was on the other side during sleep.)

Our clothes dryer died in July and we couldn’t afford to replace it, so it sat there being used as a shelf and kitty holder. 

I definitely didn’t know what date to consider its birth, so I asked Phillip. He gave me the date of August 1991. He said the day and time didn’t matter. I noted that the dryer had its Saturn return in July this year and it chose death at that time. 

The code wasn’t very long…see pic…and the energy steps weren’t numerous. I expected there would need to be more to bring something back from the dead. 

Mark and I stood over the dryer and pushed the switch. Nothing…

Mark went to check the breaker, I checked for more energy steps. There were a couple more.

Mark pressed the switch. Nothing. 

I pressed the switch. 


With mouths agape but standing in silence and awe, we just looked at each other, not sure it was safe to believe what was happening. I’m sure Phillip and company were giggling at us. They know how everything works. There can be no doubt in my mind now. Especially once I get around to removing doubt from my chart. 😂

The code that resurrected the dryer.

This is when I started to dig into my chart, Mark’s chart, and both cats. 

In conversation with Mark, we discovered the keystone program that has made this world the mess it is today.

We are programmed to think we don't exist if we aren't acknowledged.

Many of the following aspects relate to this program. Not everything applies to everyone. I have worked on a few charts now.

What I have removed so far:

  • Abuse

  • Lying

  • Health or illness

  • Skepticism

  • Lack of trust

  • Self-esteem

  • Autism

  • Distaste for being cold

  • Eyesight

  • Weight

  • Illusion

  • Money

  • Rage

  • Fear of speaking my truth

  • Neurotoxin flares

  • People pleasing

  • Victim mentality

  • Addiction

  • Separation

  • Selfishness

  • Need for acknowledgment

  • Needing recognition

  • Fixed dryer

  • Reviving joy

  • Needing every step to be difficult

  • Remove hope

  • Jealousy

  • Expectations

  • Rejection

  • Paranoia

  • Responsibility

  • Impatience

  • Transits

  • Works hard with little return

Phillip says there are an average of 50 things to remove in order to live from the new avatar in the golden space. 

With every removal, I see all of us (Me, Mark, Cats) changing dramatically. We are living from a cleaner space with less and less resistance.

After 14 years of working on trying to remove bullshit from myself, this is the answer. 

  • We are biobots and astrology is the program. 

  • Nothing fully removes the unwanted programming without it being reprogrammed. 

I’ve tried a lot of things. This is IT. Pun intended. 

Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. 



The Collective Move to 5D Today!


Pets and All Animals are Ascending Too