Pets and All Animals are Ascending Too

This beautiful boy kept me up most of the night. He was getting hardcore downloads that didn't stop and I couldn't keep up with how fast it was coming in. So he was an absolute nutbar. (Mark's favorite descriptor)

Fry is the "guinea pig" for the animal I am for humans. Sometimes there's too much light at once because the other side doesn't know the balance until they send it and watch what happens.

That means I am tasked with helping him get through it. Your pets can thank Fry for an easier download.

I am not affiliated with Bach, but this product has really helped the anxiety that comes with this process. Humans have chocolate, animals have Bach.

Check with your vet before you use it. Have some on hand next week just in case.

If this is not an option for you, coconut oil or butter (fat) can help with symptoms.

Note: Phillip's light is in me and Fry. He's (we're) doing the hardest part.


We are Biobots and Astrology is the Operating System.


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