Birth chart Upgrade Revelation

So like, I figured out I can reprogram my natal birth chart. (Speak that in Valley Girl talk) πŸ‘Έ

I don't pretend to understand all of this because Phillip wrote the game and I've never heard astrologers talk about some of these aspects. Obviously (to me) there are things they don't know. πŸ”­

This list is why making money has been a no-go area for me despite much effort. πŸ’²

A lot of us came into the game with sh*tty charts in order to stay under the Q radar. (At least I got to be a musician.) Now that Q is gone, we can fix our charts! ☸️

So that's what I'm doing today.

I have seen change happen working on astrology...I'm waiting to see how much changes in the next few days before I offer this as a service. Gotta make sure that Neptune isn't fooling me. β™“

Take note: Our body is a biobot and astrology is how our biobot is programmed. Your natal chart determines what you can and can't do in this biobot. πŸ€–

Next up is Mark. He has had a lot of constant frustrations in his life.


Pets and All Animals are Ascending Too


Reprogramming Your Natal Code