What Does “Authentic Self” Mean?

Michelle Hedges 2021 Chesterfield MO

Authentic Self...a phrase that gets tossed about like a boat in 30 ft wave swells. What does it mean and is it relevant?

Authentic Self is a viewpoint. It is unencumbered by genetic beliefs, uncolored by trauma, uncontrolled by food/drink/drugs, unaffected by the avatar at large and its diseases/dysfunctions.

Most of us have never had this experience but may have longed for it, therefore knowing something else is out there, unconsciously.

You are a being separate from your avatar, but your avatar provides an experience. Your avatar is an archetype, or pattern of behavior. Your astrological natal chart is your avatar's archetype. So where the stars were at birth is the avatar you will live with in this lifetime. It is bound by this chart. It is how you are able to play this game called life. It is the programming.

As I said, you are a being separate from your avatar, but part of being in this game has meant forgetting who you truly are.

There is a very small stream of light built into the avatar that's connecting you to you. You call this intuition. But it is very faint in many of you and some of you don't have any connection at all because your avatar is so dysfunctional.

Inauthentic self would be living without this connection. Not having this bigger self, who knows the big picture, to rely upon.

Inauthentic/authentic...these are just words. The reality is many of you are lost because you don't have the light of Who You Are.

This holographic reality has become unacceptable with much misery and pain.

I have introduced a new and improved avatar and programming. It will take 50 years to implement, but there are many advantages already.

The avatar has a much larger collection of channels to Who You Are. It also comes with healing channels to help everyone raise to the vibration of what you call the 5th dimension.

Astrology as a program will be phased out.

There will no longer be the need for the words "Authentic Self" in that order. But for now, know that you are striving for that connection and at 12th Light University you can learn how to reach and expand it.

As Michelle would say, "Hang tight, it's big!"



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