A New and Improved Healing Channel!!

Awakened by a searing pain at the top of my shoulder towards my neck, I started breathing through it. This pain was off the charts and I did not want to wake up, but consciousness slipped in. I realized I wasn’t breathing in my normal spot. I was at the top of my chest, just below the collarbone. The pain was melting away quickly! Barely in this world, I was so impressed, I started putting people through this new healing place. I felt energetic cords dissipating as easily as melted chocolate goes down. I added regular pains into the mix and started feeling good enough to go to sleep again.

You will see on the Human Factory Reset Software and in the PDF I offer for free, that there is a channel called “Gratitude Joy Love Reactor.” Phillip says six of the channels have joined the GJLR and formed a giant, more effective, healing channel. I will be updating everything this week to reflect this change.

I’m so excited by how well this technology works! From August of 2020, there have been several iterations of healing channels. They just keep getting better!


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