Avatar Metal Removal Recommendations

Mark and I have been working specifically with people who have autism who don’t want to have it. (Some people want to keep it and that’s fine.) Metals are in everyone’s brain/body and shows itself in a myriad of ways. I was diagnosed ADD/ADHD, Bipolar, and Major Depressive.

Mark and I had success with the Medical Medium protocol, but there is a new game in town and the MM protocol is too much detox too fast for many people.

I spent about a year receiving downloads for a new food chain and putting it on the grid for humanity. It is now in place.

It is not just a new food chain, it is new electrical and energetic bodies that vibrate at a higher rate. Because bodies (avatars) are vibrating higher, natural detox is occurring because more light is getting in.

Phillip says in order to remove metals from the avatar, have blueberries and dulse. Any kind of blueberry will work. These items can be made into a smoothie or eaten separately in other foods.

It is very important to add chocolate to the diet, if there isn’t an allergy, to help ease the symptoms of the raising vibration. It is also for this reason that cooked foods are recommended rather than raw.

There is so much detox from light alone that adding food detox is very uncomfortable. Phillip has had me eat tuna, salmon, beef, and turkey to help offset the discomfort.

Also make stretching hourly a part of your day to allow the chakras to expand for the new light to enter more gracefully.

If you want more information about your specific case, you can order a basic reading.


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