A Special Message From Phillip About Autism

Autism is not a people problem, it is a vehicle problem. The body, which I like to call an avatar, is in need of repair.

You have been taught to believe that you are your body, but your body is what you are riding in. You wouldn’t call your car you. Your body isn’t you.

You are a Blue Light Spirit. All of your memories, beliefs, thoughts, creativity, etc reside in the Blue Light Spirit.

You call it the brain, but the true mind does not exist within the body, it is a part of a greater being not confined to the reality you find yourself in. Yet, the Blue Light Spirit is separate from the greater being in order to allow for a maximum amount of experiences for the greater being. The Blue Light Spirit cannot exist without the greater being.

The mind is accessed through the physical body in a process that Michelle can’t understand from her perspective. It has to do with a state of being best described as joy, but this is not the full story. The importance of this is that this state cannot be reached when the avatar is damaged. The Blue Light Spirit can’t fully be in the avatar, which is why processing is so slow the more “on the spectrum” the person is.

No one is born with autism, but a person can be born very sick. Whatever extra external circumstances that occur, whether that be medicine, trauma, etc, to a very sick avatar, does not allow for processing and accumulation occurs instead. This, in turn, damages the driving mechanism, literally the energetic body and metaphorically the differential, transmission, and clutch of the avatar. Sometimes even the lights are put out (Alexithymia). So now the Blue Light Spirit is trying desperately to control a vehicle that isn’t controllable, depending on the degree of damage.

To begin the healing process, the biofilm and metals that are present in the avatar must be tackled. Belief removal is another necessary component to healing. (Everyone is born with an operating system)

Although this message is specific to autism, it applies to every avatar, no matter the diagnosis.

If you would like assistance in this process of raising your vibration, Michelle and I would be happy to help. You can begin with a basic reading.



Symptoms of Avatar Reset


Avatar Metal Removal Recommendations