Symptoms of Avatar Reset

We, as a species, have begun the process of switching out the avatar.

Here are some of the symptoms I encountered as I raised my frequency and obtained new channels and bodies.

This list is absolutely NOT exhaustive. So many strange things happened that I don’t even remember.

I am an extremely sensitive to energy person, so this would be extreme. Mark has not experienced even half of these symptoms, but I want to tell you the worst so those who are sensitive have something to reference.

  • Headache

  • Fatigue

  • Crushing fatigue

  • Inability to function

  • Migraine

  • Acute Insomnia

  • Crushing sleepiness

  • Weird feelings

  • Ungrounded feelings

  • Being pushed forward in time

  • Tooth pain

  • Heart flutters

  • Heart palpitations

  • Heart bubble

  • Temperature changes

  • Inability to say words properly

  • Brain fog

  • Extreme detox

  • Out of body feelings

  • Feeling on fire

  • Hearing voices

  • Seeing things

  • Dimension shifts

  • Hypnagogic state happenings

  • Extreme emotion

  • Crying jags

  • Intense dreams

  • Irritability

  • Anger outbursts

  • Major relationship shifts

  • Questioning self

  • Losing identity

  • Sneezing

  • Belching

  • Hiccups

  • Diarrhea

  • Bowel gas

  • Feel of an exploding basketball in gut

  • Sudden fatigue

  • Sudden anything

  • Feeling amped up

  • extremely caffeinated feeling 

  • Shakes

  • Goosebumps

  • Low blood sugar feeling

  • Exhaustion 

  • Skin eruptions

  • An extreme heat up then cool down

  • The smell of an electrical fire


It will look like the end of the world, but it will only be the beginning.


A Special Message From Phillip About Autism