It will look like the end of the world, but it will only be the beginning.

Last night I dreamed that I was sitting in my apartment with Mark just chilling and having conversation.

Suddenly, we heard and then saw two moving trucks crashing into cars parked on the street. They were side by side and had come to rest outside the apartment.

We went outside to investigate and more moving trucks came down the street at full speed and pushed the original trucks into a race for the busy intersection. I noted that they would hit a lot of oncoming cars.

Then more trucks came. We started walking down the streets and there were wrecked driverless trucks everywhere and all in fall colors. Mashed sweet potatoes were oozing out of them like there were leaks from the crashes.

Phillip says that from November 9th to November 12th Earth will look like chaos.

The populace will feel absolutely overwhelmed because their connection to source will be blocked by incoming energy.

It will actually be an upgrade to the game we are in. The dramas we think we are having will no longer exist. We will be living in a new vibration.

Know this, breathe, stretch, and eat a lot of chocolate. This is not a time to worry about weight gain. The chocolate will give you some shelter in the storm.


The Misinformation of Ascension


Symptoms of Avatar Reset