The Misinformation of Ascension

Phillip has shown me the misinformation that is out there about this period of time.

Because Q was in charge for so long, his legacy lives on in our belief systems.

I will not negate what is out there, but will tell you that your systems are not going to fall apart, in fact, they will improve beyond your current ability to imagine. Q worked in fear. Phillip works in love.

We are all receiving a new avatar, an upgrade to the current body. It will be a physically uncomfortable process (look at past podcasts) but he changed the grid of chocolate to ease the symptoms. It works! (See past podcasts)

In this frequency increase, people will wake up and see what Q created and it won't be long before everyone works together to change reality for the better for Everyone.

Even animals are getting the upgrade thanks to two ginger cats, Fry and Laurie, who took on the role of guinea pigs. Lol.

Rewire your thinking to love.

Making systems fall apart is not love. It is fear.

November 9-12 will be weird for you all because of the massive energy coming in to change your avatars. (See the previous post.)

The sun will rise everyday. Imagine yourself floating on a raft in a serene lake during this period. Take on less. Make it a chill week.

It's a terribly exciting moment.

Michelle and Phillip


Reprogramming Your Natal Code


It will look like the end of the world, but it will only be the beginning.