The Death Progression

Tower Grove Park, St. Louis, MO, Photo by Michelle Hedges 2021

Tower Grove Park, St. Louis, MO, Photo by Michelle Hedges 2021

My father-in-law had just been diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. I not only had a feeling, I had a visit. My mother-in-law’s deceased brother came to me and said, “I’ve got ‘im”. At the time I was taking a walk with my husband, Mark.

“Um…I’ve just had a visit from Uncle Danny.” I said.

“Oh? What did he say.” Mark asked tentatively.

“That he’s on call to bring your dad to the other side.”

This was jarring to both of us. I don’t think Mark believed that his dad was going to die, but I knew he was, and soon.

We prepared immediately to take the 8 hour trip to visit him. Phillip, the entity I work with, told me that weekend would be the last time he would be sentient before he left this world.

Back home after a sobering trip of preparing for eminent death, but pretending recovery was likely, I walked to my favorite park and stood under a majestic sycamore. It is a place I feel more connected to the earth. A portal where energy is exchanged in the earth grid. I was standing, reflecting, leaning on the tree trunk, when I heard, “HEY! This is your park you always talk about! It’s beautiful.” It was Pop, seeing through my eyes.

“Yes! Oh, you’re seeing it? You do know that you are on the other side.” I said

Silence. He was in and out of consciousness.

Less than a month later, he was gone. I expected him to be happy when he passed. It was more a sobering image in my mind’s eye. He was in a waiting area, seeing everything that was happening here, waiting for the funeral. He did talk to me if I tuned in.

The night before the funeral, when his kids and wife were gathered in his living room, he was so present to me, sitting in his chair, that I almost responded out loud to him. He was laughing so hard. It was wonderful, but I couldn’t tell anyone.

He pops up periodically now. Probably much more often if I tuned in. He’s extra happy having no pain. It’s kind of fun to experience his full self. In human life, he had pain the entire time I knew him.

It’s fascinating that people keep their personalities when they cross over. You do not suddenly become enlightened when you cross over.

Now, in this life, in this moment, is the time to change yourself.


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