Does Anesthesia Take Us Out of Our Body?

The day my mom had surgery, I kept myself busy doing things around the house. I couldn’t be in the waiting room with my dad because of COVID restrictions.

I suddenly became aware of a presence. I didn’t tune in at first, I was busy. The presence became so heavy, I finally checked in. IT WAS MY MOM!! In my mind’s eye I could see she was still attached to her body by the silver cord, but she was not in her body. She was still in this reality, on the outer edges, but could be anywhere she thought to be. She told me she visited her grandson and couldn’t believe how tall he was. She hadn’t seen him for at least a year. She asked me what I was doing. She also asked me why I could talk to her. The conversations just kept going.

She finally told me they were trying to wake her, but she liked not feeling pain and didn’t want to go back. This fit in with the time period when my dad called to tell me she was in recovery trying to wake up. It was interesting to watch her fade back into her body and out of the ethereal realm.

I did not ask her if she remembered any of this when she woke. It is not in our field of reference to talk about the other side. She never mentioned anything, so I assumed she didn’t.

It was a new experience for me. No wonder some people don’t wake up after surgery. They get a taste of life on the other side. Freedom.

But we can find freedom here. Eliminating beliefs, traumas, illness, and brain networks is all it takes. We now have technology to eliminate the boulders deflecting the flow of the river that is your life.


The Death Progression


Your Path To Self-Connection