God Didn’t Make this World

Tower Grove Park, St. Louis, Mo  Photo by Michelle Hedges 2021

Tower Grove Park, St. Louis, Mo Photo by Michelle Hedges 2021

From my earliest memories, I believed that God made the world and it was good. I also learned that God is loving, but I had so many conflicting experiences.

It never added up that God would be loving if creatures have to eat other creatures to survive. 

Also, why would a mother lose a child? Why does death exist? Why do people struggle to survive? Why are people hungry? Why do people get cancer? Why do people create war? Why are these things even in existence if God is love?

For the world to be built on suffering and pain, it seems to me that the maker of this world is sadistic and vile. 

Yet, I’ve had experiences of support, love, and joy.

As quantum physics has shown, we live in a holographic universe. Who wrote the code for the program? 

Here is the information I am getting…

The ultimate virtual reality game was written by a group of personalities. It began as a place to experience self in a joyful, loving, playful environment. It was lots of fun. These all-knowing beings’ attention was completely in the game. 

One of the personalities saw an opportunity for self aggrandizement and gain and began to gradually change the code. This personality changed it so slowly that no one with diverted attention would notice until it was too late and they were stuck in the game.

This world we are in is now designed to be as harrowing as possible in order to create the maximum amount of emotion. The energy we produce is used elsewhere. We are a nuclear power plant. Enough good experiences are left in here to keep us from questioning too much. Death didn’t exist in the original program. It has become a way to create the most amount of emotion and a way to recycle beings.

Death is simply going to another place. That place depends on your beliefs at the time of passing. It is all your making. Some people feel exhilarated upon death, believing they are in heaven. Others end up in some kind of hell. I saw one man in a jail cell. I’ve seen some just wandering aimlessly and others go to a place that seems like a school. What you believe is where you go, but it doesn’t stay that way. You get thrust back into the program. 

Whatever beliefs you attained while incarnated stay with you in death and into the next life. It is only in the physical realm that you can change your programming. Not only do you have a mountain of your own beliefs, but you take some from each parent when you are reborn. Beliefs continue to accumulate. The program has become so corrupted that many of us are in the 2nd dimension. 

Think of the body as a biological computer. The heart is the central processing unit and the brain stem is where all the sensory input and output are plugged in. Beliefs are the software and neural networks that form around beliefs are the operating system. This OS quite literally projects your outer world. 

You think beliefs are what make you who you are, and you are literally right. But beliefs are suppressing your true self and your connection with your soul.  Your beliefs feed the loop of suffering and pain.

The very good news, whether you like this story or not, is that a Human Factory Reset is fully operational RIGHT NOW. With practice and patience, you can change your life beyond what is currently imaginable. You can pull yourself out of your current condition. You will have a connection with your intuition that is so loud, you feel supported and loved, internally.

God did not make this current world, but God is giving us the ability to get out of it and back to what was intended! Joy, Love, and Fun!



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