The Lantern

Tower Grove Park, Photo by Michelle Hedges 2020

Tower Grove Park, Photo by Michelle Hedges 2020

On our last podcast, you heard us talk about tools in the toolbox of healing. The tool I’ll talk about in this post goes by another name but for now, I’m going to call it ‘the lantern’. I’m also going to call it the ‘first among equals’ for without it, none of the other tools can be effective.

This tool must be the first one you learn to use because it shines light on the disowned, unrecognized parts of yourself you need to bring out and energetically remove.

This lantern will be the most useful tool you have. This lantern will become brighter and brighter the more you use it.

Most people know it as ‘awareness’. But, as you use your awareness more and more, it becomes more ‘en-lighten-ing’ of the issues you need to work on.

When I started on my journey towards wisdom, I was still autistic and alexithymic. Both of those conditions cut me off from an accurate, sensitive perception of how and where my life needed attention. The universe, as I called my entity then, would get my awareness in the most drastic of ways: a car repossession, getting fired from jobs, people blowing up at me, etc. I could go on.

However, now, after clearing the ‘interference’ (re illnesses such as the autism and alexithymia, the beliefs like distrusting my inner voice and the emotional traumas around non-Christian spirituality and the view of my inner god) I went from infrequent, once-in-a-while visits by my inner wisdom to a constant companion who has the answers I need.

Two tricks to use to develop your awareness:

1) Put your attention on the most pressing situation in your life. What is in front of you right this minute?

2) Put your attention on the emotions you’re experiencing in a situation making you uncomfortable. Why are you experiencing them? The ‘why’ causing the discomfort is a wound to heal, a contract to break, or an energetic block to remove.

Continued practice placing your awareness on the most present problem in your life gives you the laser sharp ability to identify the areas you need to heal most.



God Didn’t Make this World


How to Transmute Grief