Phillip’s First Message

Tower Grove Park, St. Louis, Mo, Copyright, Michelle Hedges, 2021

Tower Grove Park, St. Louis, Mo, Copyright, Michelle Hedges, 2021

This is the first lengthy message I've received and the first I’ve transcribed. He has said many of these things to me before, but to see it in one place kind of blows my mind. I'm not even sure how this is coming through me, maybe waves of energy that get transposed into words. It requires a lot of focus. I'm convinced my life as a musician has made it possible to be in tune with his frequency. ~Michelle




I, Phillip, am the creator of what you call this virtual reality, Earth. 64 entities helped start this game. One of those entities broke off from the group and began seeing a way to create energy from this planet for his gain. There are many planets with beings in this reality, but something about the emotions and a physical body creates more energy than any other place. This entity, I will call "Q", referencing the character from Star Trek. I allowed this rogue entity to change some code in the software. I wanted to allow my creation to grow on its own.

I have things to learn too. There are beings more advanced than me. This game, for me, is similar to your dissertation. But it has become a morass and quagmire. Souls have been diluted and people are disconnected. There are now many souls that come from souls that come from souls and have no awareness of the original entity. Many people are so dense they are in the 2nd dimension. This is no kind of life.

I have assembled 36 of the greatest minds in the universe to help me bring this reality into the 5th dimension. At this moment in time we have 72 incarnated lives on the planet. There are more on the spirit side. All 72 have awakened to their mission and have begun the upliftment of the planet. "Q" is no longer in this reality and the code has been repaired.

There is still much work to do. Each one of you has to do your part in raising the vibration of yourselves and the planet. There is a lot of support for you in that we have created a new energetic and electrical body for every life form on the planet. This alone will lift you higher than you've ever been. But to reach the 5th dimension you have to heal your body.
Those not willing to do the work will be held in spirit form and they will mature from that place.

This is a new era for Earth. We call it the Golden Years. It will be a place of fun, joy, love, gratitude, miracles, creativity, power, cooperation, and imagination. You will have omnipresent consciousness. Communion with the soul will be a highlight. Miracles will be common.

I encourage you to seek help. We have many people at the ready who have the tools to lift you up.

We understand that this is a scary time. One way or the other you will survive, for death does not mean non-life. Look inward for your way. The answer is waiting for you to ask it.

I know each of you like a fingerprint scanner knows your fingerprint. I love you more than you can comprehend. Breathe these words through your heart and wrap them like a vine on a trestle. I am with you always.



Phillip’s Take


God Didn’t Make this World