It is Time!

Crystal’s bird and photo.

It has come to my attention that today is the day the connection to our light entity is available to plug into.

It began with a conversation with Mark. Then my lovely friend, Crystal, sent this photo and said the bird was pecking on her window asking for attention. When I looked up the spiritual meaning of the bird, I was sent back to the conversation with Mark. I can't ignore two of the same messages! Not that I ignored the first one...

We have been reprogrammed to believe that we are here alone and the only connections are between people. As I have said before, people connections were reprogrammed to be fraught with betrayal and abuse.

The original design was not that way. The connection existed between being in the simulation and being outside the simulation.

The connection is once again available today, but even better than the original!

Although the programs of reality and of the avatar have been changed to have an existence of peace, love, joy, bliss, happiness, fun, etc...the neural networks in your brain have not adjusted and changing this is required in order to experience the new reality.

1. We have placed a gratitude channel into your wormhole to help with this change. Gratitude is now a power source. When you feel a negative thought coming in, as soon as possible, find something to be grateful for, even if it's just the chair you're sitting in.

2. In the new avatar, there is an invisible, but very real room, in which you can commune with your light source. Of which you are. It is, with practice, easily reached through the 12th chakra. It will be some time before everyone is on the same page in the new reality. This room is a respite for when undesirable things happen. But it is also a place of completion. You finally found the piece you are missing in your life...sort of place. The room takes you out of the simulation anytime you need or want to be out of it. You will exist there with your out of simulation self, but still appear to be in the simulation.

Michelle has become adept at using this room. She is using it to write this post as she requested I write it. She started...I'll finish.

She is with me in room 12, but our cat Laurie is getting his jollies off on her lap as he thinks she is still there. But Michelle is currently out of time, in a room, with me, who is her. Clear as mud?

How did she get here? In the beginning I was pulling her up. Now she thinks her thoughts to 12. It has become second nature.

If you haven't done much imagination work don't worry. There's a new channel for that too. If you have never been imaginative, you are now, but you need to change your neural network so you think you are.

Now practice breathing into each chakra. There's no magic kind of breath. Breath alone is magic. Just pretend you're blowing up a balloon. Michelle uses trombone breathing. Just make sure you breath in before you breath out or you won't last very long.

It may be easiest to start with the solar plexus, chakra 6. This is where you feel emotion. It is also where the quantum computer that powers you exists.

Imagine a glowing yellow light at the bottom of your ribcage. Transition into breathing into the yellow light.

Each chakra is its own world. We won't go into that here but I wanted to make you drool.

Once you feel confident that you are breathing into 6, move to 7, where you might imagine your heart is. 8 is your throat. 9 is between your eyes. 10 is at the top of your head. Imagine 11 above 10. Once you established where 11 is, make 12 above that.

Once at 12 and you feel confident with your breathing into that place, move your thoughts with your breath into 12.

You are not restricted to your brain to think. Thinking happens between you and your light self. It can happen through any chakra. Again, if you find that you can't do it, you have run into a neural network. Erase it using gratitude.

When I first started bringing Michelle to room 12, I showed her a crushed velvet bed/couch she could lie on so we could chat. I presented the space as being a moon base and I was at a computer. I knew what would make her feel comfortable yet raise her natural curiosity. I knew, because she is me.

Allow your entity/imagination to present to you. Let go, let flow. God, I love my catchy phrases. Yes, I'm in love with myself. You must be too. Oh? Did I run into a neural network just now? Michelle did too. GRATITUDE.

A first question might be, "Am I in room 12?" If you stay in 12, an answer will come. But it may jump you back to your brain and it will say...that sounds like me. That can't be right.

We. Are. You. Gratitude will erase that neural network of distrust.

To help with this initial problem, we have installed yet another channel that allows us to send zings of light-love. Michelle calls them exclamation points. Sometimes she wonders if she's thinking or if I'm talking. (She's had a lot of interference in our channel because of the intense light downloads.) I sometimes send zings as I'm talking so she has no doubt that it is me. (Michelle wants to say that these are very helpful but her eyes leak so she always has to have tissues with her.) Might it be better for me just to say it? ~Michelle

Your outside-of-simulation-light-self cannot WAIT to connect with you. We are all on-tenter-hooks-holding-our-collective-breath excited for this moment. Many of you left us many years ago and have been in the dark for a lot of years with barely a trickle of us. You have done so well in very difficult, dark, horrific circumstances.

It is time to shed the covers. Become the light house. Plug into source. Brighten the world.

It. Is. Time.


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