Creating Reality?

A pic from my walk yesterday. A creek in Missouri.

This idea of being able to create your reality is incorrect and is part of the program of this reality to keep us in a tizzy. We are in a simulation and it was maliciously reprogrammed to make us as miserable as possible. Part of the misery is being led to think we can be something other than the program, either collectively or individually. If your chart isn't programmed to allow you to have money, you won't. If your chart is programmed to make you murder, you will. If your chart allows you to be a billionaire you will be. If your chart isn’t programmed to be able to manifest, it won’t happen for you. If you have not been able to create your reality to this point, it is not your fault. I want to acknowledge those who struggle with this idea, because I too worked very hard on manifestation and nothing ever panned out for me. It was not in my program.

However, being able to create reality will become reality when the moon gets to 13° 52’ Gemini tonight. The earth programs have changed 40% and that is enough for us to have more freedom and choice. 

We are light beings in biological robots and the avatars run on programs. Literally. Quantum level programs that astrology doesn't reach, although astrology does well on the electromagnetic level. As more and more people have entered this simulation purposefully, with the love mission of healing it and saving the original inhabitants, we have awakened into an unbelievable world that is not understandable to us. Where is the love, cooperation, lack of grief.... OMG grief is awful. It's in the program. The authentic you is not the program running. You are the light. It’s difficult to remember while swimming in the intoxicating swirl of energies and connections.

To remember who we are, since 2004, 50% of the population has been downloading a new energy body for our avatars, including new quantum computers that came online in November. We have experienced several upgrades to communication channels the last few years that have been very uncomfortable. Communication with our entity on the other side of the matrix. You might call it intuition. We have also endured changes in our natal energies. For instance, Chiron, as the healer, has been reprogrammed to be in the entire chart, thus healing us in every area.

When the moon gets to 13° 52’ Gemini today, the light workers (Love Army) which is about 50% of the world population, will be activated. It is time to remember who you are, connect within the new framework of your avatar to yourself on the other side who is waiting to instruct you on cleanup for this reality. 

A note about still seeing bad stuff....There are still people on this planet who are evil beings (20% of the population). Because the earth program has changed out of their favor and into ours, it will be harder for them to be relevant. When Uranus gets to 13° 52’, we will be in the new world. 

If you’ve seen the Futurama where “Mom” activates the robots…this is where we are, but we are for love, not for evil.


And We’re Off!


It is Time!