And We’re Off!

-A social media post from 2.27.24. Follow me on Instagram and Facebook for the most immediate information.-

I'm pretty excited to say that I had one really good and fun day this month and it happened 2 days ago. I did so many things and almost had my full avatar available to do them. I also had the whole day off from programming.

There have been a couple of soft marathons. They have them spaced out and timed more easily for me to accomplish the task without rigor mortis setting in. Although yesterday's was crushingly sleepy making and I had to stand for a portion of it to get through it.

The conversation is between Mark and me about a connection between himself and him(her to Mark) self on the other side. (Laife) How we will be partners with ourself on the other side. Maybe this conversation will strike a chord with you.

The sun/Saturn/mercury cazimi is Wednesday. Something major is going down.

Whether it's COVID or financial or war or what...something is UP. P has had me stock up on 2 months of supplies. Whether it will be supply chain disruption or sudden major inflation...something is going down because he has never had me do this before. (Fill your tank.)

I heard the bugle call that starts a horse race when I woke. I do know for sure that it's the beginning of the new reality and that requires the ending of the old one.

This scenario will last until the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in April (my birthday lol) - I am still amazed by how everything lines up so perfectly with my birth chart.

I have mind melded so much with Phillip I think I could call him Michelle. It's me!

Listen for your you.


Phillip was a Con Man


Creating Reality?