Matrix Changes: Important Dates

If you are stressed right now, and that wouldn't be surprising, stare at this kitty face, then read this post, and then stare at this kitty face again.

▶️ The following are large overall changes to the #matrix .

🎈Personal abuse becomes expansion on October 7, 2023.

🔌 Abuse of power will be replaced with empowerment on October 12, 2023.

🫂 November 4th is the end of self absorption.

🤸The avatar will be complete on January 4, 2024.

🛟Incremental changes to the avatar are happening with every #moon transit in the current sky. That's a lot and we are all feeling it.

🗓️Put these dates on a calendar.

Know you are ok. Look for beauty, fun, love, and joy. Create! ❣️



It is Time!


Quantum Programmer