Reconnection Reading


We are in a simulation and have been maliciously cut off from our light body. This has created an environment of disconnection, floundering, grief, miscommunication, depression, extreme unhappiness…the basic human experience.

At the same time, in order to change this reality and our experience within, we have been downloading parts for a new avatar while being in them. It has been a difficult time for all of us.

The Reconnection Reading may include:

  • a list of problematic natal placements and current transits

  • suggestions for healing the physical body

  • possible disconnections in the new avatar parts

  • programs running that create a detrimental environment

  • traumas to heal.

The reading will be emailed to you in the form of an Ebook.

*This option does not include any reprogramming.

**Birth date, birth time, and birth place are required at time of purchase.

I am not a doctor . The physical body reading is merely a suggestion. You must work with your intuition to determine what is best for you.

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