Avatar Reset


Astrology is a loaded word. It is devil worship, witchcraft, unscientific, useless, a religion, superstition, and a waste of time. For thousands of years people have noticed a correlation between where planets are and what kind of energies are emerging. The significations that have developed over those years are relevant. How is this so?

In actuality, astrology is a way of seeing the energy the sun is pushing out. Another way to say it…Astrology is the simulation computer’s operating system. Bodies in space represent individual programs that the Sun computer is running. The sun releases protons with electromagnetic and quantum information and we - everything in reality- have receptors, in the form of DNA, for this information. DNA is the Natal Chart.

When a current body in space is aspecting a body in a natal chart (a transit), they are experienced through microtubules in our cells. This is also where consciousness resides, so if there are difficult energies colliding with the natal chart (DNA), it can change outcomes in a negative direction.

Microtubules also store memory and they exist in every cell of the body. That is why it is difficult to release trauma. It exists everywhere.

Until now, there has been no choice but to live with difficult energies, spending much of our lives trying to figure out how to cope just to get through.

The Avatar Reset includes reprogramming the most problematic:

  • natal placements

  • current transits (only lasts through the end of the transit)

  • houses

  • zodiac signs

*Birth date, birth time, and birth place are required at time of purchase.

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If you want to read more about the recent work on microtubules, here is a paper on the subject.