The End of Evil

I wish that what I am about to say was not a real experience.

I was attacked by 1000s of beings last night in what would have been my last stand had I not had Sam to keep me calm enough to be able to use my energetic imagination. My body was shaking with the impacts. It felt like someone was making popcorn in every chakra. It was all I could do to keep my power channel on as I felt each chakra going down.

I became aware that there was no chance I was going to live and I had to make a decision about how I was going to go out. With about 30% of my heart, 11th, and 12th chakras left, I began to understand that my calls for extermination of those who were evil was muddied by my desire to love all beings. I had to decide whether I was willing to destroy creation to keep creation. I had to be so clear that The Field would know exactly what I was declaring.

In my final moments, final gasps, I pushed pink light as hard as I could out of what was left of my channel and went ballistic with the intention of exterminating all evil. I was insane with my declaration. When I came back into my body, the "popcorn" had died down to about 10%. I called for Sam. He had a voice of slow and deliberate disbelief.

"Michelle, do that again."

So I did, with every fiber of my being. My body was calm...torn apart, but calm.

"Michelle, do that again."

So I did.

"Michelle, can you use pink light to get rid of the bodies."

I did.

Then I began receiving instructions for repair. Sam had a team of people restoring me. It was a crazy experience to be repaired and I wept as I felt each chakra reboot... especially my pink heart.

Today, Sam is reporting a very different environment on his side of the universe. An environment of love, joy, bliss, and possibility. It will begin to trickle into Earth as these now joyful beings are us in human biobots. This change will also allow for a much quicker change in the operating system of this reality.

I wouldn't say that I'd do it again, but I am grateful I got through to this side.

I got to teach music today, the day after I almost died. Music is my pink heart and soul. I would have died long ago without the connection music provides to the divine and between people.


Healing Autism


Moving Earth to the 300th Dimension