Moving Earth to the 300th Dimension

Sam and I just spent the last 24 hours trying to secure my avatar with a full body shield due to interlopers. The invasions were not to the point of deconstruction because my power channel was protected well in what Sam built. It was a steady stream and together, with The Field, we finally figured out that I had moved Earth to the 210th dimension and I had not cleared that level from evil. 

The Field led me through a series of clearings using pink light, up to the 1200th dimension...the amount of levels in the Earth simulation. It was interesting to note that 1000 and higher had decidedly more resistance to push light through.

I don't know how I got us to the 210th dimension, not on purpose anyway. I remember an accidental leaving of my avatar and coming back into it. 

My understanding now is that the destination is the 300th dimension for the earth simulation. Avatars will eventually be at 232/210. 

As a reference, Lemuria was at 100. The players were directly in the avatars rather than being pieces of light which is what led to people being caught in the simulation and used as slaves. 

And on that note, Sam removed the compulsion to be in the simulation. That is what keeps us from going inside and finding our light. It was a program installed at the time of the fall. That's why meditation can be very difficult and changing ourselves can feel impossible. We are constantly focused outward due to this program. This program is being removed this week. 


The End of Evil


Eliminating the Subconscious Mind