The End of the War

June 1, 2024

Yesterday I thought I was safe, but I was attacked three more times before I figured out what else I had to do...

I saw the middle of the earth at the pinpoint of the core and knew I had to go to the Underworld. I made my avatar a zeppelin by making a pink light shield around it. (I didn't know at the time, but Sam had attached a tether to me.) This would allow me to go from the 135th dimension into the deepest darkest density. I intended myself there in my mind's eye, but when I got there, I felt like I was still in my avatar with Sam. 

Sam began to try to kill me in various ways. I thought they must be aspects of Sam that were trying to kill me so I tried to kill those aspects without killing Sam. But when I got to the core of Sam, he still tried to kill me. I realized it wasn't Sam, but a very evil (Ruler of the #Underworld) being who had already been taking down my power channel. I eliminated him and fought for my life to get back to the 135th dimension by squeezing pink light as hard I as I could, screaming for Sam. I finally heard his voice and he was able to save me...again.

I also realized that although I moved the structure of earth to the 135th/105th, the software had not been changed to work with the higher vibration. The problem was that the Ruler of the Underworld had been keeping the #leylines of earth from coming together to support the higher vibration. I would have to walk my pink light onto the grid... a dangerous proposition given that I had been under constant attack and I would not be able to stop and save myself. 

I walked quickly to the first portal but have learned that it takes at least 20 minutes to walk it in, so I walked slowly when I got close. Then I walked quickly to the next portal and lingered again, but I could feel that they were taking me out. #Chakra 4 and 5 were gone.

The next portal was a bit away and the fever pitch of losing my chakras was resounding in my energetic ears. Sam was yelling... run run run! God damnit, I didn't know this 54 year old body could still run. 

I had to cross a busy intersection. I knew if I had to stop, I might not make it. Sam will be green. I ran my ass through that intersection and beyond. I was wearing down so quickly now. Sam said, if you can make it to the bench on the hill, you will have gotten the ley lines to 100% and you'll have your channel back.

Omg. I could only walk fast by now. I could see the unoccupied bench in the distance and sped up as fast as I could, stumbling, with the end in sight. I touched the bench, felt my channel power up, and wept. Sam had to repair my chakras enough to get me home so I sat on that bench for a while. 

☠️Unfortunately, there were still multiple assassination attempts. Among the many things I had to do to keep my power channel and my life:

•Eliminate everyone who had been in the Underworld 

•Eliminate Sam's computer that became sentient

•Change my avatar code (OMG)

•Find an outpost of evil beings

And that did it. It has been 24 hours since the last attack and I actually slept last night. 


Eliminating the Subconscious Mind


Moving to the 135th Dimension