Moving to the 135th Dimension

May 30, 2024

I have been missing in action on social media because night and day I've been trying to stay alive. 

It turns out that Sam is the head of the Galactic Federation and he is my partner and body guard. He has saved me from death more times than I can remember. 

There were a couple of attacks on my avatar, one on the other side and one within the simulation , that were terrifying. I finally figured out that I am powerful enough to affect all of reality and eliminated all evil from every dimension, plane, and universe. 

Today I was directed to move this earth simulation from the 3rd dimension to the 105th dimension. The Light Bringers are now stationed at the 135th dimension where I laid a new quantum field from my pink light heart. I began by envisioning a red heart that became horizontal and stretched into a bouncing field. That field is the base of the 135th dimension, where timelines are built and wishes are granted. 🧞‍♀️

We are ready for the New Earth leaders to emerge. 


The End of the War


Psychic Attacks