Reprogram Your Natal Code Part 2 S2E22

Many of us came to this reality to save it.

By doing so, we agreed to have a less than stellar birth chart so we wouldn’t be seen by the prevailing ruler of this reality.

We made this contract knowing that we would live difficult lives until the ruler was banished and we ascended into a new dimension.

That entity is gone and the new avatar is in the process of being downloaded into us. We now have the option to upgrade our life experience. We are our own ruler.

I discovered this technique when I wondered if I could change aspects of my own code. I held the pendulum in the center of the zodiac wheel and Phillip gave me specific relationships between planets and fixed stars that were an issue. I wrote everything down that he showed me and then he gave me a specific set of chakras to breathe through to recode myself.

I have since helped Mark change aspects of himself that he has been working on for 30 years.

The results have been astounding and exciting!


Reprogram Your Natal Code Part 1 S2E21


Are We Biobots and Astrology is the Code S2E20