Hi M, This is Pop S1E13

1. My story into mediumship
2. You can be a medium too, by healing your avatar
3. EFT, Tapping, Psych K, Louise Hay
4. Affirmations
5. https://www.12thlightuniversity.com/heal-your-autism https://www.facebook.com/healyourautism
6. My first stories with talking to dead people.
7. Crossing over
8. People getting ready to teach on the other side to help people eliminate beliefs.
9. The 17th dimension
10. New energetic and electrical body making a new human species which includes a direct channel to your soul.
11. It is going to become normal to be supernatural
12. https://www.facebook.com/HappyRobotCoaching - Mark's Facebook page when he was autistic
13. I watched Mark go from thinking intuition is BS to having a clear connection.
14. https://www.12thlightuniversity.com/can-you-vibrate-now-podcast/what-is-autism
15. 85% of the population is separated from the soul channel
16. How to unblock yourself


Eat Chocolate and Be Creative! S1E14


It's Time to Get Rid of Everything S1E12