It’s Not Your Fault that You Don’t Like Yourself S1E20

I am learning, in this process of moving into another physical/multidimensional level of vibration, that it is not my fault that I didn't like myself.

Everything I read in the past 15 years or so blamed me for not liking me.

Now I know we are all bound by our astrology at birth and how the present connects to that, the thoughts and beliefs we brought into the body, and the thoughts and beliefs that came with the body.

That's a lot to overcome just to say, "Hey Michelle, you're pretty cool."

Yet, here I am, doing it. I'm overcoming all these limitations...and you can too.

I find myself in a very different space these days. I'm still processing lots of incoming energy that is making even more change. I don't have an "I'm finished and here's what it's like" place to come from, but my life is flowing like never before, ever.

In this episode, Mark and I explore this topic.

The protocol for healing will be different for everyone because we are unique in our foibles (as mentioned above). Send me a message and Phillip and I will give you your unique next step towards healing.


The Outlandish Possibilities of Reality S1E21


A New and Improved Healing Channel!! S1E19