Complete Healing S1E10

1. What a pendulum is and does.
2. A little bit about our experience with the readings.
3. What helps eliminate strep.
4. Biofilm, a part of the difficulty of eliminating strep.
5. Our cat, Fry, keeps interrupting us.
6. Mark is now getting nutrients from food!
7. Mark's need for calcium has changed a lot.
8. Talking about Phillip.
9. New ways to heal energetically using breath.
10. Change your life by changing your belief structures.
11. Michelle talks about her health issues and current healing.
12. Eliminating beliefs healed us more than changing diet did.
13. Biofield
14. What makes your biofield extend.
15. Electrical and energetic bodies.
16. Chakras and healing.
17. Heavy Metal Detox Smoothie.
19. Readings, what they are like.
20. Reading options.
22. Healing our cats.


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How to Reset Your Avatar S1E9